Did you know more than 64% of online consumers wait to buy things until they go for sale, whereas more than 59% search for promo codes before buying anything online. Around 30% of online consumers sign up for price tracking service to get an email when price drops for the item they want to buy whereas 22% of consumers purchase products from their preferred brands only when on sale or with coupon. Check out our infographic “How Discounts Affect Online Consumer Buying Behavior” for latest statistics and trends.
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Around 62% of online women shoppers pay attention to discounts and promotions as compared to 57% of online men shoppers.
54% of shoppers will purchase products left in shopping carts, if those products are offered at a price lower than its original.
Nearly two-thirds of consumers surveyed admitted that a promotion or a coupon often closes the deal, if they are wavering or are undecided on making a purchase.
30.6% of female internet users often use discounts and coupons for day-to-day shopping, including digital shopping and dining at restaurants, compared to 16.8% of males.
More than 70% of US internet users claim discounts have the biggest effect on purchase decisions during the holidays.
83% of respondents said they were “somewhat likely” or “very likely” to click an ad offering a discount or promotion.
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