Did you know more than two-thirds of US digital display ad spending is programmatic and mobile programmatic ad revenues account for 43% of US mobile display-related ad revenue in 2018, up from only a 6% share in 2013. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of marketers surveyed are set to spend more money on programmatic advertising in 2016. Check out our infographic on “US Programmatic Ad Spending” for latest statistics and trends.
Infographic by- Invesp Conversion Optimization
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62 percent of marketers use programmatic advertising to achieve brand objectives.
Estimated US Programmatic Digital Display Ad Spending
Year | Amount ( in Billions) | %age of total digital display ad spending |
2014 | $11.59 | 55.0% |
2015 | $17.50 | 65.0% |
2016 | $25.23 | 73.0% |
2017 | $31.87 | 78.0% |
2018 | $37.88 | 82.0% |
Mobile programmatic ad revenues will account for 43% of US mobile display-related ad revenue in 2018, up from only a 6% share in 2013.
Estimated US Mobile Programmatic Display Ad Spending
Year | Amount ( in Billions) | %age of total Mobile display ad spending |
2015 | $9.68 | 60.0% |
2016 | $15.45 | 69.0% |
2017 | $21.22 | 78.0% |
Nearly 75 percent of senior marketers are allocating a portion of video spend to programmatic buying.
Estimated US Programmatic Video Ad Spending
Year | Amount ( in Billions) | %age of total digital Video ad spending |
2015 | $3.00 | 39.0% |
2016 | $6.18 | 60.0% |
2017 | $8.66 | 69.0% |
2018 | $10.65 | 74.0% |
Nearly two-thirds (65%) of marketers are set to spend more money on programmatic advertising in 2016.
32% of marketers surveyed spend over 50% of online advertising budgets on programmatic and 98% of marketers surveyed plan for programming ad budget to increase or stay same in coming year
Major problems Marketers face with Programmatic advertising
Problem | %age |
Multi-device Measurement | 57% |
Fraud | 47% |
Ad blocking generally | 47% |
Ad blocking on smartphone | 35% |
Privacy issues | 18% |
Others | 16% |
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